Imagine if you could make decisions, big or small, effortlessly and with confidence?
Imagine if you didn’t worry about the thoughts or opinions of others in your life, because you were certain that your choices were right for YOU?
What would you do with all that extra space in your head?
Introducing a unique online course:
Awaken Your Intuition
This accessible and engaging course introduces the essentials of intuition.
You will learn to:
Make decisions (in work, family, relationships and life) that are right for YOU, rather than looking to other people for direction.
Recognise when your intuition is communicating with you.
Understand what intuition IS.
Strengthen your connection with your intuition, so that it becomes easier to access.
Distinguish between intuition, and fear or insecurity.
Start trusting your intuition, and experience how much more power and freedom you have in your life as a result.
How will it work?
You’ll have ongoing access to the six modules below, each consisting of a coaching video (10-15 mins) with me, and a self-reflection worksheet. I’d suggest doing 1-2 modules per week maximum, so you can fully absorb the concepts, but ultimately this is a self-serve course and it’s up to you how you engage with it. Follow your intuition!
Experiencing Your Intuition
How do you know when your intuition is communicating with you? Well, let’s experience it and find out!
What IS Intuition?
Calling on neuroscience, psychology and spirituality, we’ll explore the sources of your intuition.
The 3 Steps to Connecting With Your Intuition
A simple and effective framework that, over time, will make it easy to recognise the messages from your inner voice.
How to Distinguish Between Intuition and Fear
Fears, insecurities and limiting beliefs can masquerade as our Intuition, and hold us back from being brave and confident. Here’s how to beat that.
Meet Your Inner Mentor
Using a powerful visualisation tool, you’ll start to deepen your connection with vour intuitive wisdom. This calls heavily on a wonderful exercise from Tara Mohr’s book, Playing Big.
Learning to Trust Your Intuition
We improve any new skill by practicing it. We’ll look at ways you can bring intuition into your everyday life, transforming your confidence in your choices and decisions.
Who Am I?
Hey there!! I’m Victoria, and I support leaders and leaders-in-the-making to trust themselves, make bolder decisions, and inspire others.
Until a few years ago, I rolled my eyes at anything remotely woo-woo. I was known as 'red Vikki' at work; an action-oriented thinker with very little time for feelings. For 12 years, I worked in jobs where data was king - if you couldn't back up your opinions with hard evidence, don't even bother. I prided myself on my rationality and logic, and I still do.
But the last few years have revealed to me how following my intuition is empowering, liberating, and allows me to be the truest version of myself. And I want to live in a world where EVERYONE can access that.
I’m an experienced, accredited (ACC) coach with a corporate background in big data and marketing consultancy. Intelligent, intuitive and irreverent, I believe that every one of us contributes to the global experience of humanity, and I want to tip the balance in favour of positivity :)