This innovative course is ideal if you want to use tarot cards for self-coaching. Victoria demystifies the whole process.
— Mariko

Are you curious about Tarot and other mystic practices (regardless of your individual spiritual beliefs)?

Are you searching for a grounded, practical and clear introduction to using Tarot for self-awareness and decision-making?

Do you want to use Tarot either for your own personal development?


As a practitioner supporting others' wellbeing and development (e.g coach, therapist, reiki master, reflexologist etc)?

Coaching With Tarot is a completely unique 5-week group programme that combines deep coaching expertise with the magic of the Tarot for a transformative experience. The next round starts on 5th Sept 2022, and registration is now OPEN. Read what previous participants have taken from the course, here.

Following feedback from the 50+ people who have already been through this programme, there are now two levels of access for Coaching with Tarot.

The Magician package includes full lifetime access to the course, live group calls, replays, accompanying worksheets, and an online private learning community for duration of course.

The High Priestess package includes full access to the course as per the Magician package PLUS an exclusive 60 minute 1-2-1 session with Victoria. In this sacred space together, you will have the opportunity to deepen your connection with the system of Tarot, practice reading for yourself and/or for someone else, and have a dedicated personal reading from me!

Only 8 spots available, 1-2-1 to be booked by end Oct 2022.

At the end of this 5 week course you will:

  • Understand the basic structure of a tarot deck and the key themes of the cards.

  • Have a strong coaching framework for using the cards to gain insight into things that are important for you or others - in life, career and relationships. E.G - how you feel, what’s blocking you, what you’re not seeing, how you might want to take action etc.

  • Strengthen your trust in yourself and your intuition.

  • Tarot will become a tool in your toolkit - something that supports your own self-awareness and decision-making, and helps you support others with theirs.

Victoria uses tarot in a really interesting way - using it as a point of reflection and a trigger for accessing your intuition.
— Philippa
A fantastic introduction to how to connect with the tarot deck, and use it as a way to tap into your own intuition.
— Lamia

Hi. I’m Victoria, and I’m an ICF-accredited leadership coach with >2000 hours of coaching experience. I support senior leaders to connect deeply to their intuition, and make bolder decisions with confidence. I’ve been using tarot cards in my coaching practice since 2017. The 78-cards of a tarot deck are a ‘map of human experience’, covering the Big Themes (love, power, creativity, change, spirituality etc) through to everyday events (balancing work and family, taking on too many projects, the joy of hanging out with friends etc). 

Because the experiences represented by the cards are universally human ones, they help us connect with our subconscious and reveal information to us that we have been ignoring or unable to see. 

Therefore, they are a powerful tool to coach yourself through challenges and opportunities in your career, relationships, family life and beyond. 

This incredibly well run course is packed with useful information about how to use tarot as a self-reflective tool. It was fun, challenging, stimulating, hard, joyful and something I would do all over again in a heartbeat.
— Teresa

How I use Tarot within coaching, and help a client create change:

  1. To shine a spotlight on what’s REALLY happening in a situation. When everything seems confusing, a single card can allow you to cut to the heart of the matter.

  2. To uncover a message of guidance or support from your inner wisdom.

  3. To explore different perspectives on a situation.

  4. To surface the invisibles. This is, for me, where the real magic often is. There’s something about the pictures and the themes in a tarot card that often allows us to face up to something we’ve been ignoring.

How ‘Coaching With Tarot’ works:

  • Five modules (one per week), each building on each other to deliver the course outcomes.

    • Module 1: Introducing the system of Tarot.

    • Module 2: How to ask questions with Tarot.

    • Module 3: Interpreting the cards.

    • Module 4: Deepening your Tarot coaching practice.

    • Module 5: Integration & live Tarot coaching.

  • 5 x weekly 90-minute group calls (Mondays, 7.30-9pm UK time) for teaching and small group practice.

  • Worksheets to accompany each module

  • A private online community (not facebook!) to ask questions, and share learnings & experiences.

Prior to working with Victoria, I’d had no experience of tarot and was initially a little sceptical. However I really enjoyed the extra dimension it brought to our coaching sessions and found that it really helped me tune in to my intuition.
— Hannah
Eye-opening, warm, accessible
— Hannah K


+ How much does the programme cost?

The 'Magician' package is £249 (inc VAT). This includes lifetime access to the call replays, all the support material and my support in the online community during the period of the live course. I have also introduced the 'High Priestess' package for £389 (inc VAT) that includes a 60-minute 121 session with me to deepen your learning and experience personalised Tarot coaching.

+ When is this programme running?

The programme will resart Monday 5th September for five weeks. The live calls are Mondays 7.30-9pm, UK time.

+ Do I need prior knowledge of Tarot to do this course?

No prior knowledge of tarot is necessary. You will simply need an open, curious mind, and a tarot deck! We will be learning the theory behind Tarot as well as practising together. Theory + practice = confidence!

+ Do I need to get a particular tarot deck?

Please bring a deck based on the Rider-Waite-Smith version - you will receive a list of recommended decks upon securing your spot on the programme.

+ Will we be learning really complicated tarot spreads?

Please note that this is not a traditional, in-depth learn-to-read-tarot-cards course. We will be using the cards as a tool for self-connection and intuition, rather than for the purpose of reading tarot. We’ll be using 1-2 card spreads (a set of cards responding to a certain question), rather than complex 7-10 card spreads. We’re interested in developing a solid coaching relationship with the cards, rather than becoming a tarot reader!!

+ What day and time will the live calls be? What if I cannot make all of the live calls?

Mondays 7.30-9pm UK time, from 5th Sept - 3rd Oct inclusive. All calls will be recorded, so please don't worry if you can't make them all!

+ How many people will be in the group?

Spaces will be limited - the previous round was capped at 22 people.

+ Will I be able to do readings for other people?

This is not specifically a course on reading for other people. We primarily look at Tarot as a self-reflection practice; however, many coaches and other practicioners have used the course to help them bring Tarot into their own practice. There will be space to discuss this during the course.

+ What if I have questions between the live calls?

There is a private online community (not facebook!) just for the course so you can drop any questions you have in there inbetween calls.

+ Isn't tarot a bit supernatural?!

I don't use tarot for psychic or extrasensory purposes, or to 'channel' anything. I fully respect people who DO have that practice, but it's not me :) We might touch on the more ‘transpersonal’ side of a tarot practice, but the core intention of the course is to deepen your connection with your own intuition.


Who Am I?

Hey there!! I’m Victoria, and I support people to trust themselves, make bolder decisions, and inspire others.

Until a few years ago, I rolled my eyes at anything remotely woo-woo. I was known as 'red Vikki' at work; an action-oriented thinker with very little time for feelings. For 12 years, I worked in jobs where data was king - if you couldn't back up your opinions with hard evidence, don't even bother. I prided myself on my rationality and logic, and I still do.

But the last few years have revealed to me how following my intuition is empowering, liberating, and allows me to be the truest version of myself. And I want to live in a world where EVERYONE can access that.

I’m an experienced, accredited (ACC) coach with a corporate background in big data and marketing consultancy. Intelligent, intuitive and irreverent, I believe that every one of us contributes to the global experience of humanity, and I want to tip the balance in favour of positivity :)

I’m in! How do I join??

I found the whole course engaging, educational and fun. Victoria was an amazing leader who kept us engaged and moving forward. Loved it!
— Brad

Have more questions?