What is driving your decision-making: intuition or fear?

I need to have a conversation with our neighbours about a loft conversion. I’m putting it off, telling myself I’m waiting for the right moment. The truth is, I’m scared.

Scared of the extra cost and hassle if we have to get surveyors involved. Scared of the awkwardness.

So I’ve done nothing.

Every decision we make in life, even the decision to do nothing, is either a ‘towards move’ or an ‘away move’. Towards moves are driven by intuition and take you closer to a life & career that brings you joy. Away moves are driven by fear, keeping you safe but STUCK. A ‘NO’ and a ‘YES’ decision can equally be a towards or away move.

So how do you tell the difference? How do you know when a decision is driven by intuition or fear?

Well, here are four major clues, taken from my free online course, Follow Your Intuition & Transform Your Decisions. Over the course of six self-paced modules, you’ll learn the techniques I've used to strengthen my connection with my intuition, and start REALLY trusting yourself.

So, think of a decision you’re currently making, or have made very recently. Which of the below clues resonate with you?

  1. The voice of fear is mean. It will attempt to keep you safe from taking ‘risks’, by pointing out ways in which you are not good enough. The voice of your intuition is never mean, because it isn’t scared.

  2. Fear will often feel constrictive inside your body. e.g “You need to stay with this partner because you won’t find anyone else as good as them.” might be accompanied by feeling squeezed and out of space in your chest and stomach. Intuition will often feel expansive, like you can breathe deeper. This doesn’t mean it will feel easy, but it will feel expansive.

  3. Intuition will imagine a future of positive change. Fear imagines negative consequences from taking any ‘risk’. I’ll take the example of deciding to stay in a difficult relationship. INTUITION will imagine a future in which the relationship is stronger and happier as a result of working through challenges. FEAR will imagine the world of loneliness and misery that will come from taking the risk to leave.

  4. Intuition doesn’t feel the need to justify itself. It is confident enough to say ‘this feels right or this feels wrong’. Fear will often present a whole list of justification points, presented as cold hard fact even without evidence. For example “don’t go for that promotion, you won’t get it. You haven’t led a team before so you won’t be any good at it”.

Learn more about Follow Your Intuition & Transform Your Decisions here, and sign up for free to get all the materials delivered to your inbox today!

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