What I've learnt so far from running a leadership coaching business.

Happy Summer Solstice! I hope you find a moment to breathe some fresh air today.

I’d love to be outside doing a pagan sun ritual, but it’s cold and wet in East London so instead I’ve been curled up inside reflecting on the first half of 2021. And I wanted to share with you what I've learnt so far from running a leadership coaching business.

Most people join this community - as a social media follower, an email subscriber or a client - because they want to create change in their life. And whilst not everyone wants to leave employment and start their own business, I know that this IS a curiosity for many.

So I’ve decided to share my Jan-Jun revenue numbers over the last six years of entrepreneurship, for four main reasons:

As evidence that it is possible to live sustainably outside of the structure of employment. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but I’ve found it invaluable to have PIPs (Proof It’s Possible).

  1. As a reality check to the unhelpful narrative that you can build a profitable six-figure business in 12 months. Maybe some people do, and props to them, but I’ve never met one of ‘em.

  2. To normalise conversations surrounding money and the circulation of wealth, particularly for women.

  3. I’m proud of myself, and I want to share that with you!

This is how my revenue has grown, H1 (Jan-Jun) 2016-2021.


I took a significant drop in income when I decided to do my own thing (my corporate salary was circa £75k p/a) and the growth has been gradual. Maybe one day I’ll unlock the secret to passive income or make a million on Bitcoin (have to buy some first…) but for now I’m happy with steady and solid growth.

In a couple of sentences, here’s the story of each of those six-month periods:

2016 - transitioned out of corporate, still doing bits of work for my old company. Experimented with different ways to make money. Started training as a coach and found pilot clients ASAP. Felt excited and brave.

2017 - built solid foundations as a coach and a business owner. Revenue very dependent on coaching for Sanctus, along with bits of other work - private clients and copywriting. Felt secure and impatient.

2018 - Steady stream of private coaching clients mainly through referrals. Focussed on saving for maternity leave (our son arrived in April) as self-employed women only get statutory maternity pay. Felt grateful and free.

2019 - Really challenging return from mat leave - low confidence, a feeling of starting from scratch. Everything was a slog and I spent a lot of time comparing myself to others. Felt unsuccessful and bitter.

2020 - started working with my assistant (first significant overhead in the business). Finished up with a business mastermind. Launched my first ever group coaching programme. Really connected with my USP of intuition. Felt creative and self-assured.

2021 - Steady stream of private coaching clients (all of whom are the soulful leaders I want to be working with), corporate workshops and new opportunities coming to me on a regular basis. Feel confident, open and in flow

I have no idea what the rest of the year will look like. But the biggest lesson i have learnt as a business owner is to ‘follow the energy’ - focusing my efforts on the tasks and opportunities that I ENJOY, and trusting that the money will follow., And it seems to be working.

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